ISSN - | E-ISSN -2822-2288
Lung Cancer Risk factors - A Review Article [EJMA]
EJMA. 2022; 2(4): 159-162 | DOI: 10.14744/ejma.2022.36036

Lung Cancer Risk factors - A Review Article

Cagnur Elpen Kodaz
Family Medicine, Cifteler State Hospital, Eskisehir, Türkiye

Lung cancer is the most frequent cancer type with high mortality and morbidity rate worldwide. Studies have shown that smoking, environmental factors including occupational exposure, radon exposure, air pollution, radiation, onesity, diet and hereditary susceptibiliy are related to developing risk of LC. By raising public awareness, the incidence of LC can be diminished by preventing modifiable etiological causes of LC, such as effective and practical public health policies and legal regulations restricting tobacco use, studies and regulations to reduce air pollution, and anti-smoking education for all age groups.

Keywords: Lung cancer, risk factors, review

Corresponding Author: Cagnur Elpen Kodaz, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English